Evie Clifton

Mindshare UK

Evie is an Account Director, leading Paid Social for one of the largest accounts in the agency, managing to increase investment by 25% YoY. Due to her dedication, Evie has experienced rapid progression, advancing from a graduate with zero experience to an Account Director role in less than 2.5 years in media. Her strong development allows her to set an example to other women in her team and wider department, breaking down barriers around young women in leadership roles.

Evie is one of Campaign’s ‘30 Under 30’ 2022.The judges described her as "committed to change and delivered across a wide array of industry-relevant matters as well as her core agency role." She founded an agency-wide weekly newsletter that is cascaded to several key clients. Evie was accepted into the Bloom UK Mentoring Scheme and had opinion pieces published on BrandJournal.com and MediaPost.com. She has independently organised a range of in-house sessions with media owners to upskill her immediate team and departments with Buzzfeed, Pinterest, Snapchat and Tastemade. Evie has participated in pitches for varied client sectors, often being the most junior person in the room. Her flair for public speaking and her passion for her specialism has made her a strong asset in pitch environments. Alongside client work, Evie is an active member of the Womxn’s Group. She has contributed to important workstreams around women’s safety, planning safe routes to the office and organised self-defence classes. Evie volunteers for Brixton Finishing School and Visible Start by guest speaking in sessions.