Grace Hammond

Sound Out

Grace is the Head of Product at SoundOut, the world leader in strategic sonic testing for brands.

Her goal in 2022 was to extend SoundOut’s consumer powered brand matching and archetype mapping technologies used in strategic sonic branding to the use of music in marketing. If this could be achieved it would, for the first time, enable brands to ensure the music they used in marketing was always on brand and campaign appropriate. To achieve this Grace first worked with leading AI music tagging businesses to establish whether these automated AI tags could be accurately mapped to the 212 brand attributes that comprise SoundOut’s existing emotional DNA map of music. If possible this would enable SoundOut’s existing suite of BrandMatch technologies to be applied to vast music catalogues. By devising innovative approaches with the SoundOut machine learning team, Grace achieved this and delivered a technology stack of 212 AI algorithms that could map these tags to all brand attributes with over 95% precision. Grace then designed and built (with the assistance of the SoundOut development team) a unique SaaS interface to enable brands to test and search vast music catalogues using self-defined brand personality profiles, brand archetypes and any combination of over 200 brand attributes (see video). Grace achieved the above in a little over 6 months and the new SaaS platform has already been adopted by international clients (such as Unilever) and creative agencies (WPP) and is now being linked via APIs to sonic branding agencies as well.