
Jenny Cobelli
Domino's UK & Ireland
Head of Creative
Jenny has revolutionised how Domino’s presents itself to customers. She has done this by growing the internal creative agency from nothing to a high-performing team of nine people (Big Dip Studio or BDS).BDS have taken on a wide variety of work (including brand, direct response, CRM, and digital product) and done it better, cheaper, and faster, than the external creative agencies that previously did the work. • Better – Jenny’s team have pioneered a new way to shoot our food. Dubbed ‘food porn’ it has increased our “great tasting food” scores +8ppts YoY • Cheaper – Jenny’s team have gobbled up work previously done by external agencies. The net saving to the business is ~£2m / year • Faster – Jenny’s team are embedded into the team’s they work with, so we can move at great speed. This has vastly increased our ability to test, learn and improve. Click through rates are +251% YoY in direct response media Jenny’s team not only delivery results, but love doing it. Nobody has yet left the team, and the satisfaction scores are amongst the best at Domino’s. Jenny’s ‘servant leader’ style creates the conditions for her people’s success and happiness at Domino’s. Jenny’s influence is felt beyond her work as Head of Creative. She co-chairs the group to improve the maternity and paternity experience at Domino’s. Significant changes have been made to policy, training, and perceptions.