Karen Nelson-Field

Amplified Intelligence

A dedicated agent of media change

An academic, technology innovator and relentless change maker, Karen Nelson-Field is working to transform digital media measurement. Since founding Amplified Intelligence in 2017, she has taken the helm as CEO and worked to achieve a global mission: refocusing how advertising effectiveness is quantified around attention. Inspired by Karen’s research, the company was built to address the huge gap between perceptions of media performance and reality. After finding that Opportunity To See (OTS) doesn’t mean ads are seen and viewability isn’t a guarantee of views, she recognised the need for major yet responsible disruption; shifting measurement systems from relying on inward-facing metadata to looking outwards at real consumer engagement. What began with the belief that media trading should be transparent, fair, and more accountable has evolved into a successful commercial solution. Starting with attentionPLAN® — a SaaS media and optimisation tool – Karen has helped make it easier for advertisers to track in-the-moment interaction across devices and boost ROI using accurate understanding of what truly captivates individuals. But there is more to come. Vowing not to stop until the status quo is overturned, she continues to lead the attention revolution and push for greater progress, including providing opportunities for buying based on attention, rather than reach and impressions.