Lisa Smith


Operations Lead

Pier is a thriving, integrated communications agency, specialising in purpose-driven campaigns and renewable energy. Operations Lead Lisa Smith has been instrumental in shaping Pier’s culture, putting wellbeing at the heart of operations.

Lisa leads a robust employee engagement strategy and watertight approach to governance that puts people first. Appraisals are 360, there is a generous benefits package including training, and we help employees feel empowered, bringing them collaboratively with us on our business growth journey. Lisa has helped the company make tangible progress on diversity, laying the foundation for continued progress through monitoring, benchmarking, paid internships and recruitment strategy. She leads a weekly ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ session, which puts wellbeing, particularly mental health, front and centre of our culture. Sensitively run, with signposting provided, these are engaging discussions. Employees contribute to the conversation as much, or as little, as they are comfortable with. The smaller touches make a big difference. From curating bespoke new starter packs to celebrating team members ‘Pier-a-versaries’, Lisa is behind so many of the ways we engage with our employees. Lisa’s impact has led to an almost flawless team retention rate, tangible improvement in employee wellbeing measured through an annual wellbeing survey and, most importantly, a supportive, inclusive and caring culture. Lisa has played an instrumental role in making Pier the agency it is today. Every agency needs a ‘Lisa’ and we are so very proud of all that she has achieved.